By Ifrah Atosh- Podiatrist Werribee

Foot orthotics can be a helpful tool in the treatment and prevention of injury.
Foot orthotics are not just used for those with flat feet, they can serve multiple purposes to help prevent and treat injuries.
People often think if they have flat feet, they need orthotics- this is quite often not the case BUT it can help reduce stress on different structures that may be over worked in those with flatter feet.
Orthotics can serve the following purposes:
Redistribute weight from painful structures
Help pad and cushion those with lack of fatty padding
Improve alignment of joints
Increase proprioception
Some conditions orthotics are used for are:
Heel pain/plantar fasciitis
Tibialis posterior tendinopathy
Morton's Neuroma/forefoot bursitis
Plantar plate tears
Fat pad atrophy
The use of orthotics in treatment of conditions is only one step- that is by reducing negative stress on the injured or painful area, it will decrease pain and allow the body to heal. It also enables further treatments to assist in the healing process.
Orthotics use be hard plastic devices, but now with time and trialling different materials, we most often use a EVA foam based orthotic. It redistribute the weight, it helps with padding and cushioning, helps improve the alignment of joints and is still durable.
A good orthotic should have the following characteristics:
Good contour through the arch- to help redistribute the weight and make it comfortable
Holds the foot in an appropriate position
Comfortable to wear
Fits in shoes
Orthotics can take some time to get use to wearing, that is because you aren't use to walking with things underneath your feet. So it is recommended you slowly increase the wear of the orthotics after they are issued.
Some people try to point out that orthotics weaken your feet- this does have some weight behind it but in practical terms, this is quite often not the case. The rational behind this argument is by the orthotic supporting your foot, the muscles do less work and therefore get weaker... and yes that is true to a point.
How we avoid this situation from occurring is that we ensure that you don't wear your orthotics all day every day, some time at home without orthotics is a good thing. The other aspect to this is if you are physically active and are walking, this will help strengthen the muscles of the feet even whilst wearing the orthotics. Another way to ensure muscles of the feet don't weaken is by doing some time strengthening exercises regularly like calf raises.
I hope this information has helped! Let me know if you are thinking you are in need of orthotics.