Mortons Neuroma/ Forefoot bursitis
Forefoot pain is a very common condition. There are a number of causes of forefoot pain but the most common and Morton's Neuroma and Forefoot Bursitis

​Symptoms of forefoot bursitis and Mortons Neuroma are very similar. Both involve the irritation of the nerve, with bursitis being a sack of inflammation that swells and presses upon the nerve, whilst the neuroma is thickening and scarring of the nerve.
Pain: The most common symptom is pain in the ball of the foot, typically between the third and fourth toes. The pain may feel like a sharp, burning, or shooting sensation, and it may worsen with activity or pressure on the affected area.
Tingling or Numbness: Some individuals with Morton's neuroma may experience tingling or numbness in the toes or ball of the foot. This sensation may radiate from the affected area.
Feeling of Something in the Shoe: People with Morton's neuroma may describe a sensation of having a lump or something bunched up in their shoe, even though there is nothing there.
Worsening Pain with Certain Activities: Pain from Morton's neuroma may worsen with activities that involve repetitive pressure on the ball of the foot, such as walking, running, or wearing tight shoes.
Simple stretching and exercise should suffice in reducing pain and discomfort. For expert advice on the types of stretching, visit Practical Podiatry.